Inspirations Inspiration on how to make your hard paywall dynamic The days of one-size-fits-all paywalls are over! Dynamic models are essential for digital subscription success.
Inspirations Testing, hard paywalls and editorial buy-in: Foreign Policy’s take on the free vs premium question We chat to Corinne Osnos, VP Subscriptions at FP on the decision-making behind their paywall model and how editorial plays a role in this.
Operations Double conversion rate: how Jeune Afrique’s dynamic model better acquires subscribers Jeune Afrique's dynamic paywall and subscription offers page adapts to user engagement & location, significantly increasing conversion rates.
Collections How do you decide which article is free or premium? In partnership with Atlas, the recurring revenues growth consultancy, The Audiencers recently ran a survey to find out…
Collections How many articles should you offer for free before the paywall? It’s a million dollar question. And one that every publisher with a digital subscriptions model has asked themselves…
Collections Increase conversion rates: how to get started with a dynamic paywall Be audience-first with your reader revenue model by adapting the paywall and experience to a user's profile and context
Collections 5 essentials to launch a subscription model risk-free Although there is of course a lot to master when launching your digital subscription model, these are our…
Operations What is a dynamic paywall? If you're in the media business, likelihood is you already know what a paywall is. It blocks content…
Inspirations Dynamic paywall testing: how FAZ is working to reach 300,000 digital subscribers by 2025 Donika Lilova, Head of Paid Content and Deputy Chief Subscription, shares how they're testing their paywall to increase subscriber growth
Operations Optimizing SEO with your paywall in mind: lessons from The Athletic Shelby Blackley spoke at The Audiencers' Festival on how to optimize SEO with your paywall in mind, including lessons from work at The Athletic.